Our Ring Motto
The Little Company of Mary Sisters chose a phrase or words from Scripture and these words are engraved on our Rings for our final Profession day.
I live now not I but Christ who lives in me.
Our Mottos chosen by the Sisters:

“All for Jesus through Mary”.
“Woman behold thy Son” (Jn. 19.26)
“My grace is sufficient for you” (2 Cor. 12.9).
“Be still and know that I am God (Ps.46.10).
“I have loved you with an everlasting love” (Jer.31.3). “Thy Kingdom Come”(Mt. 6.10) “Serve the Lord with joy” ( Ps.100)

Mary Potter commissioned all the Stations of the Cross to be done for our church in Rome.
Station VI - Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus

Mary Potters Rosary Beads
In 2018 Pope Francis chose the day after the Feast of Pentecost to be the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Mother of the Church. This Feast is to be inserted into the Roman Liturgical Calendar and to be celebrated every year in the Church.
Let Mary take her place in that Church, let it be hers, the dying gift of Jesus to His Mother.
The Charism - a gift graciously given
The gift of prayer is one of God’s gifts and a true spirit of prayer comes from the Spirit of God.

The Little Company of Mary Charism Picture.
This picture expresses the Charism given to Mary Potter, by the Holy Spirit to the Church and the World. Mary Potter commissioned this picture of Calvary which was situated in the convent in Rome. It shows Jesus on the cross with Mary his mother, St. John and Mary Magdalene.
Also in the picture there are two Sisters attending a sick patient, one sister is praying with the patient, the other has a tray of food. Another Sister is praying in the Chapel, before the Blessed Sacrament for those who are suffering and dying in our world. The Calvary picture expresses the Charism and Spirituality of the little Company of Mary. This tradition of adoration and praying for the sick, dying and needs of the world is carried on by the Sisters today.