Join Our Ministry
Each one of us has a mission from God. Through our Baptism God calls each one to follow Him in a special way.
Join us in our Mission and Ministry by:
1) Becoming a Sister
2) As an Associate
3) Praying for the suffering, sick and dying as an Affiliate
“I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”

“I have called you by name you are mine.”
May our Mother Mary who listened in faith and said yes to God be your guide and companion. May you be open to the Holy Spirit as you discern and respond to what God is calling you to do with your life.
The Process for becoming a Sister and member of our community
Inquiry: The interested person is welcome to contact us. We will listen to her and help her to discern where the Holy Spirit is leading her.
Pre- Candidacy: When the person and the LCM Sister agree that the call to the Little Company of Mary is deepening and appropriate she may decide to make an application.
Candidacy: This is a time of experiencing and understanding what Religious Life entails and living in community, which may take 1-2 years.
Novitiate: This is a time of discernment while she engages in prayer, study of the history, life, mission and ministry of the Congregation. This process takes at least 2 years.
Temporary Professed: After Novitiate the novice takes the simple vows of poverty, chastity and obedience for a period of 5 years and becomes a member of the community. During this time the Sister is involved in full time ministry, ongoing study, LCM spirituality and prayer as she prepares for her Final/Perpetual Profession.
Perpetual Profession: After completing the period as a Temporary Professed, she may request to make Perpetual Profession as a sister of the Little Company of Mary.
Are you discerning your unique path in life, and feel drawn to follow in our path? Would like to know more about a vocation in the spirituality of Little Company of Mary? You are welcome to contact us at 01 2987040 or email us at lcom@lcm.ie